Into the silvery night

Into the silvery night
Acrylic and oil on canvas, 2015

lauantai 24. lokakuuta 2015

So soon, in February I shall pack my paintings into a suitcase and first take a bus for 4 hours from Pori to Helsinki, then the flight to Gatwick, and then hopefully get-together with my suitcase and find my way out where my "local" journey will begin.  Thrilling, actually, to take part in a big event like this Art Fair.
While cooking and cleaning the Christmas,  also a great deal of time was spent in the studio, which luckily is at home.  Preparing for artistic work is  making schetces and drawing simple things, also preparing canvases is very important in the process.  And even it is a process of individual decisions,  it is also team work. My most important team mate is my mare Anna, who poses  so well when I do endless schethes of her. She does not critisize, though sometimes when  time is up, she tells it by biting my paper. But these "box-drawing"- sessions work as a therapy to me.
Though in  Finland, especially in winter, it is not always easy to find a stable warm enough to draw.

Every artist knows the odd and contradictory feeling of preparing your works in the intimate studio and then bringing them "into daylight" for everybody to see. Until that the works are your soulmates, they excist only for you. And very often it is so after the "daylight" as well. The immortal artworks  R.I.P- buried in the dust of  the studio corners. But, life could be wasted in so many worse ways so "two thumbs up" and off we go!

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